Wednesday, May 13, 2020

I was just reading a site about "meat glue" being added to our foods.  It causes leaky gut and is bad for everyone, especially celiacs.  This site also has a great article about magnesium deficiency.  We take magnesium glycinate at bedtime to help good sleep.  Even non-celiacs can be deficient due to depleted soils where our food is grown.  Here is the site:

I don't hardly ever get glutenned any more because I am so careful where I eat.  After eating only my own cooking for about 7 weeks, we bought food at Jimmie Johns.  I have eaten there a few times with no problems.  This time, as usual, I told them please change your gloves.  Both myself and 5 yr. old grand daughter got symptoms a few hours later.  I am going to call the manager and tell them this should not have happened!

Since I have healed my gut over 20 yrs. now, I didn't get ANY belly symptoms!!  I only got sacral ileitus.  I would have never connected this to gluten if I had not read it in a book:  Dangerous Grains, by James Braley MD, and Ron Hoggan MA.  You could try to have a local library order it for you.  I don't know if it is in print anymore.

Monday, May 4, 2020

If you find you have extra time since we are staying closer to home, you might look up  There is an unbelievable amount of gluten free food items! We have come a long way in the last 20 yrs.!