Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I know several women that have dry eyes.  I have had severe problems such as waking up at night with stabbing pain, tears running down my face.  I thank God for hearing my prayers for desperate help!  Dr. Oz had a dermatologist on his show telling that using an oil (they had several)  would help eye lashes grow back!  I want thicker, longer lashes because mine are nearly non existent!  I tried this using the coconut oil I already  had and noticed pretty quick that my eyes felt better!  Coconut oil is an antifungal.  I had Lasik surgery in 2000.  I believe they washed my eyes with antibiotics and probably the drops I took after this had them also.  Most people know that we need probiotics for our gut due to all the meds. we have been given.  What about our eyes?  I read that celiac pops out after too many antibiotics.  Some people have the gene but never develop full blown celiac disease.  A great side effect:  the puffy bags under my eyes are shrinking and skin around my nose-to-mouth got dry and peeled and the skin is so much better!  Like new born skin-- the deep crevice is shallower!  I had begun to use the coconut oil on my face.  After a few days the skin got better!  This will save us $50 a month.  Hope this helps someone, tell others!

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